January 14, 2007

Our Final Week is Finally Here

Well, I want to offer my deepest and heartfelt congratulations to the members of Class A-107. This week is your final week and your job fair is this week. I wish all of you the best of luck in the future and hope you all get great jobs. In case you might need it, Lockheed-Martin is hiring technicians to work at home. I found the link on the DAV web page at www.dav.org. Check it out, I don't know what their pay scale is, but with your VBTC training, you should enjoy a slam dunk on this opportunity.

I want all of you to know that I'll never forget any of you. I sincerely hope each of you will keep my MSN IM address and my www.phna2@cox.net email address active. Should any of you need anything, all you ever have to do is contact me. If its within my power I will do whatever I can to assist.

At the present time, I am working hard with Robert E. Brown, our classmate, to win a few grants so that he might open his own Veterans Rehabilitation School. The work is exciting and I have been able to bring Bob out of a real funk, when he, like me, did not realize how much the VBTC meant to each of us. In the end, it therapy for Bob and myself.

I love you all, and please, please keep in touch

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