December 18, 2006

Whatever goes up must come down

Well, the title says it all. I made a serious mistake and forwarded a email, I should not have, to a friend of mine. My intent was to help him stay in the course and I felt that should he learn a little more about our leader, he would stay with us. My friend had a medical problem that was covered by Social Security, that was in danger of being revoked. I managed, with the help of another classmate to get a workable answer for him. My friend being naturally bitter was very upset with the leadership of VBTC. I thought by sharing this email from the Project Manager of VBTC, would boost his spirits. Little did I know that when I forwarded to the Project Manager one of his emails which contained the "staff" email. Shortly thereafter, I received an email from the Project Manager, that I had grossly erred in judgement. It did not take much to see how angry he was with me. As a result I have been assigned to the Technical Support area, where my hours have been strictly cut back. I worked a grand total of 22 hours last week, and am scheduled for 18 hours this week. On Wednesday, Dec 20th, I am due to be at the VR&E office in Roanoke, VA to sign-off on my "work plan". I just wonder what they are going to say about that plan now. Hopefully all will end well, and I'll be permitted to continue the course to its end. I am NOT a happy camper right now

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