November 02, 2006

Week of 10/30/06 thru 11/03/06

Well folks, this week we have made some progress in our Class Project. What Class Project, you say?? Sorry, it was important and I forgot to tell you about it earlier. I am the Project Manager for the Class A-107 Class Project. Our Project involves getting industry to partner with the VBTC to develop a process thqt allows hearing challanged veterans to attend and graduate from our training program. Our goal is to set up a call center environment where the caller will use the telephone and the Vet will receive some sort of Closed Captioning across his screen of what the caller is saying. In turn, if necessary what the veteran types on his keyboard will be sent to the caller as voice. Our sister class, Class A-911, is doing the same thing for blind veterans. In this regard we already have one blind veteran participating and doing extremely well. At the present time, he has a "helper" who reads the words in the classroom to him and he types the reply. Now we just have to get these folks into the main stream of this course.

This week, I have received notices that several companies are eager to enter into talks with the VBTC to accomplish this goal. I only have 4 hours a week to work on this project, so I'll publish more on Thursday.

Thanks very much for your time


1 comment:

Unknown said...

you the man