October 27, 2006

My Initial Post

Hi All - This is my initial post to make sure all is working correctly. I look forward to hearing from anyone interested in attending the Veterans Business Training Center, (VBTC). As of today I have been enrolled in the VBTC for a total of four weeks. During my first month of classes, I have met many wonderful friends, most of whom I hope will be lifelong friends. I have been extremely lucky in that I have only run into one problem area and that was the Web Surveyor Assignment. After a day or two of playing around with it, I finally got it to work correctly. Naturally it was a prime case of "Operator Error". This blog business has me a little confused, in that I'm not sure what we will use it for. I look forward to finishing out the second month as a Sophemore and becoming a Junior in November.


Anonymous said...

Seems like a great start for a blog.

Unknown said...

look good mr paul like the background.

Paul Niemeyer said...

Seems like I cannot upload a photograph, either to my profile nor to the blog. The help file is not much help, but it does tell me I might have to backup to Internet Explorer 5.5

Bianca Gordon said...

Good job. Great assessment of VBTC.

tim said...


Ron Funnemark said...

Looks Good

Paul Niemeyer said...

I managed to get thru the original post. Now I will continue to work over the weekend to make this much more interesting for you the reader. What started out as quite a challange for me has turned into a labor of enjoyment.

Anonymous said...

I think this is something you will enjoy over time, Paul. Looks smart and a good start.

Robert Hill said...

Looking good...

comebackkid said...

Paul, You did a Fine Job sir!RogerD A911

Knight-18 said...

Paul I almost missed you blog, using the "@" instead of the "." in your link, caused the "page cannot be found" page to show. Anyhow, yor Blog is magnificent in terms of simplicity. It was nice visiting you there..will return when time permits...good job